Friday, December 16, 2011

What is hapeening with Google Maps directions NYC to London?

It makes you kind of lose confidence in Internet quality. I wonder what else is in those maps.

Directions to London from NYC...

1) Go to

2) Click on Maps (above the search box)

3) Click on Get Directions (below the search box)

4) Type New York in the first (From) box

5) Type London in the second (To) box

6) Scroll down to step # 23|||LOL. That was the funniest thing I've ever seen! Thank you so much for brightening my day!|||why go to boston first? same thing going from miami to london, guess they like boston|||Since Google Maps is intended to give you driving directions, and one can't drive across the Atlantic Ocean, the folks at Google just threw that in--everything else is correct, just anytime you're going from a fairly major US city to a fairly major European city, since you obviously can't drive, it takes you through that step :) I think it's hilarious!|||HaHA i have seen that before... I love it. cracks me up!!! try from NYC to Paris too...

got a good laugh out of it!

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