Saturday, December 24, 2011

Where can I find driving directions from San Francisco, California to Buenos Aires, Argentina?

A friend of mine is going to Argentina, and although he has already decided to fly, I thought it would be interesting to see how to get there by car. I tried both Yahoo! and Google Maps, but neither of those sites could give me directions (in fact they did not even give directions to Mexico City. Mapquest did not give an option be to put in another country.

Does anyone know of an international map website that could give directions, or does anyone know someone who has driven from North America to South America?|||It seems reasonable that you could drive if you could cross each border into the next country with your United States passport.

Quality or existence of roads is likely to be troublesome as well. I know you can drive into Mexico, but interstates are not a reality in all the countries you would be passing through. Paved roads are not a priority in countries where automobiles are not the obsession or need that they are here.

Having said that, if you speak Spanish, Portuguese and a variety of Indian dialects, or can communicate in other ways, it sounds like an adventure of a lifetime,

Sorry, I couldn't help with a route!|||you can not drive to beunos aires from california|||i know it is feasible. I would suggest to get the route map at the AAA.|||Just head south, and keep to the left when you hit South America.|||GO 2 mapquest

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